You’ll be covered with our asbestos removal protection standard coveralls. We have designed these with durability in mind. With reinforced seams, auto locking zips, elastic cuffs and hoods and adhesive zip flaps so you’ll be protected from head to toe.

White SMS CAT III Type 5/6
- White SMS Material
- CAT III Type 5/6 Certified
- Reinforced Seams
- Elastic Cuffs
- Autolocking Zip

Orange SMS CAT III Type 5/6
- Orange SMS Material
- CAT III Type 5/6 Certified
- Reinforced Seams
- Elastic Cuffs
- Autolocking Zip

Titan Disposable Type 5/6 Boot Cover
- White SMS Material
- Type 5/6 Certified
- One Piece PPSB Sole with PC Grip Dots